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Handline fishing is one of the true social pleasures of Fijian living. A simple line, wound around a reel or even a plastic soda bottle, is baited and dropped into the water. At the tiniest nibble, pull the line to hook your fish. Catch and release, or bring back your larger bounty for a grilled fish luncheon.
For reef fishing, we outfit a sturdy 25.5′ runabout with outboard twin engines for fishing. Excursions launch early morning, and last 4-6 hours depending on weather conditions. The runabout trolls the reefs located around Turtle Island and neighbouring islands. Catches include yellow fin tuna, trevally, Spanish mackerel, barracuda, skipjack tuna, and rainbow runner. Our chefs are delighted to prepare your catch — “sashimi” style for lunch, or as an exquisite dinner for all.
Fishing Seasons in Fiji
Most tropical gamefish are caught here year round however some have peak seasons when they are caught far more frequently.
Anglers wishing to target GT’s with popper and stickbaits or Dogtooth Tuna on jigs should visit during the calmer summer months (January to April) when the conditions are more likely to be suitable.
The Black Marlin season runs from August to October and February to March. Adult Striped Marlin show in August and September when the water temperature is at its lowest but are also seen around March and April. Blue Marlin can be caught all year round with the largest fish usually found during the summer. Yellowfin Tuna run February to April. Sailfish are caught all year round, however the best fishing is June to September. Wahoo are best from June to September when large packs gather along the barrier reef. Barracuda and Spanish Mackerel (Walu) are present in large numbers from October through March but can be caught all year round.
Fishing outside the barrier reef is subject to reasonable weather conditions but fishing inside the reef is almost always available.